100% French. 0% Snooty.
A lot of French wine brands tend to intimidate the casual wine drinker by putting on airs and whatnot. We wouldn’t know how to begin to do that.
The French people who make our wine aren’t snooty at all. They’re really nice people with cool French accents, and they know a thing or two about grapes.
As a result, Three Henrys is pleased to bring you a wine you’ll love to drink, daily.

Wine that’s ultra-quaffable.
Translation: it’s really, really easy to drink.
From our berry-full Pinot Noir to our bronze-tinted Rosè to our crisp, light Chardonnay, Three Henrys wine was made to be drinkified.*
*The term ‘drinkified’ has not been recognized by Merriam-Webster as an actual
word, but we’ll just see about that as soon as they start accepting our phone calls.

Because Three Henrys pairs well with people like you.
Well, gentle wine drinker, your wish is granted.
Click through and discover lots of stuff you’ll never find on any other wine label’s
‘About Us’ web page.
If you’ve tried our beautiful wine, you’re most likely thinking, Wow, I wish I knew more about the amazing people who created this delicious daily drinker!*
* You probably didn’t really have that thought.
That’s just our ego talking; we know.

Drink with us. Play with us.
Sure, you can enjoy Three Henrys wine all by yourself, but it’s more fun to savor it with a friend.
So, find us and friend us on your favorite social media outlet.
And if you really want to be our friend, how about sharing your email address with us?
We promise not to give away or sell your information, and we’ll only send you the occasional email filled with stuff you’ll love almost as much as our wine. Seriously.

Wine a little. Smile a lot.
At Three Henrys, we take wine seriously but very little else.
Especially ourselves.
But since you came to our site and scrolled all the way down to here,
we figured we better take that seriously and make it worth your while.
So, click below, and have some fun with wine — Three Henrys style.