OUR Delicious Daily Drinkers

Estate grown
100% Pinot Noir
13% Alcohol/volume
Pinot Noir has fewer tannins than other red wines, which makes it smooth
and easy to drink.
Dry, light-bodied and fruity
Best served slightly chilled*
Pairs well with take-out Chinese, pizza, and pretty much anything edible
* 2018 Anthony Dias Blue 90pt Recipient

2020 ROSÉ
Rosé is made from red wine grapes (pink grapes aren’t real).
While it has a fruity profile, most styles are dry not sweet.
Tastes like a fruit basket of flavors with a notable smack of nectarine
Always served chilled
Pairs well with barbeque, cookies, and bubble baths
* 2018 Anthony Dias Blue 90pt Recipient

Estate grown
100% Grenache
13% Alcohol/volume

Estate grown
100% Chardonnay
13% Alcohol/volume
The Chardonnay wine grape is planted in virtually every wine region in the world.
But ours comes from France, where Chardonnay was first created seven centuries ago.
Tastes like exotic fruits, apple, and lime zest
Chill it in the fridge for 1 – 2 hours
Pairs well with seafood, cheese, and anything with a cream sauce
Even though wine grapes don’t rely on bees for pollination, a vineyard buzzing with honey bees is the key sign of a healthy, biodiverse vineyard.
Three Henrys wine is made at a bee-friendly French estate. Seriously, they’re all over the place.